While many people fantasize about hitting the big jackpot online, it is unlikely that anyone will ever be able to experience the joy and satisfaction of winning a million dollars. Although progressive jackpots in online casinos or across a network of casino sites will eventually pay out, hitting such a huge jackpot is still very slim. Of course, there are other ways to earn consistent income long-term from playing online casino games, but that leaves the question of how to get paid for your play.

A mathematician will tell you that the odds of winning are always in favor of the house or the casino. Old knowledge can be proven true if you have a small bankroll and play at any casino games or any card table at an online casino located in a land-based location for an unlimited time. However, a professional gambler might think otherwise and may even claim that playing online casino games can make it possible to make a decent living.

How is that possible? A professional online gambler will combine sound play and money management with huge deposit and reload bonus offers. If this strategy is applied correctly, the odds of winning can even be considered favorable. This gambling strategy is not about aiming for bigger wins, although this may happen.

This strategy is very successful. The professional player will sign up at many online casinos and use their first deposit bonus. After that, they will usually make the maximum deposit to receive the most bonus money. For example, if the casino requires a $500 deposit to receive the maximum $1500 in bonus money, the professional gambler will instead make the $500 deposit.

To withdraw the bonus money, the player must choose the casino with the lowest house advantage. Blackjack is the most popular casino game. If a player plays low stakes Blackjack and uses the mathematically correct strategy to play the game (known as “Perfect Strategy in Blackjack” which tells him when to hit or hold etc), he/she may be able clear the bonus by playing more hands than high stakes.

This is just one example of how to play and clear the deposit bonus. It may not be possible to play Blackjack at certain online casinos. The professional player will do extensive research on the online casino before depositing or playing. Then, the professional player will calculate the requirements to clear the bonus and make a profit at the casino.

It would be easy to assume that this is a hit-and-run strategy, which means there is always a new online casino to sign up for. After clearing a bonus at an online casino, the player waits to see if there is a reload bonus or other special offer. Then, he or she can play at the casino again. The player then turns to other online casinos for the same strategy. These players are often considered valuable by casinos because their initial and subsequent deposits were very high. But remember, these deposits were made to claim the maximum online bonus money. The positive effect of this is that the player could be considered a VIP or high-roller by the casino, leading to more attractive offers.

This gambling strategy is used by thousands worldwide professionals who earn a living playing casino games. It requires skill and knowledge of the casino games and their odds. You also need to understand how deposit bonuses are created.

The rewards for a casino player who can master this skill can be untold. The more hands you play and the more you place free bets, the greater your chances of winning a huge jackpot.

As dreamy as hitting the mega online jackpot sounds, the chances of experiencing the euphoria of a million-dollar win are unfortunately, quite slim. Nonetheless, progressive jackpots across online casinos or networks do eventually payout, but the odds remain low. So, where does that leave us? The question is – can we still make a consistent, long-term income playing online casino games?

Contrary to popular belief, mathematicians would argue that the odds invariably favor the house or casino. This old adage rings particularly true if one were to consider a scenario where an individual with a modest bankroll decided to try their luck indefinitely at an online casino. However, a professional gambler may beg to differ, contending that it is indeed possible to carve out a decent living playing online casino games.

The key, as any seasoned gambler would tell you, lies in a combination of sound play, money management, and an unerring eye for the lucrative deposit and reload bonus offers. When executed correctly, this strategy can actually tilt the odds in favor of the player. Surprisingly, this doesn’t necessarily involve gunning for the big wins.

Successful implementation of this strategy begins with signing up at numerous online casinos and cashing in on the first deposit bonus. This is followed by depositing the maximum amount permissible to reap the maximum bonus. For instance, if a casino requires a $500 deposit to award a maximum bonus of $1500, the professional gambler would make the $500 deposit without a second thought.

Next, the player needs to decide on a casino game with the lowest house advantage for withdrawing the bonus money. Blackjack, a favorite among many, comes to mind. A player employing the mathematically correct “Perfect Strategy in Blackjack” and betting low stakes, stands a fair chance of clearing the bonus.

It’s critical to note, though, that Blackjack may not always be an available option at all online casinos. Hence, it’s imperative for the professional player to thoroughly research the online casino landscape before placing any bets or making any deposits. Furthermore, the player would then calculate the requirements for clearing the bonus and subsequently making a profit at the casino.

At first glance, one might be tempted to dismiss this as a hit-and-run strategy. However, after successfully clearing a bonus at an online casino, the player usually bides their time until a reload bonus or other special offer is announced. Then, it’s game on at the casino again. In this way, the player hops from one casino to another, leveraging the same strategy. And while this might seem like a clever tactic to bypass the system, in reality, it works well for the casinos too, as these players’ high initial and subsequent deposits make them highly valuable customers.

Thousands of professional gamblers around the world employ this strategy to make a living playing casino games. It requires skill, a deep understanding of casino games, and the odds, coupled with a clear comprehension of how deposit bonuses work. As for the rewards – they’re virtually limitless for a player who has mastered these skills. The more hands you play, the more you bet for free, and thus, the better your chances of bagging that coveted jackpot.